Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Bachelors Senior Design Project: GridShell

My software engineering capstone project at the Rochester Institute of Technology involved developing a command-line shell to allow easy access to distributed computing environments, namely grid resources such as the TeraGrid. The project was part of a development effort put forth by the RIT Center for Advancing the Study of CyberInfrastructure (CASCI).

GridShell was one of many projects spearheaded by Cyberaide, a community of researchers and organizations interested in advancing cyberinfrastructure to promote collaboration between individuals and providing them with the computing power necessary to deploy and execute processor-intensive programs for scientific research.

The GridShell provides uniform syntax and semantics for creating, submitting, managing, and checking the status of tasks deployed to local and remote Unix resources. It simplifies workflow management by allowing users to execute tasks sequentially or in parallel and allowing users to specify dependancies between those tasks, which places a constraint on their order of execution.

Additionally, users can create scripts in Python to specify task order execution, which is useful for more complex jobs. This is because the GridShell front end is implemented in Python and can execute Python code natively in the command-line interpreter (CLI). Specifically, the CLI is based on the IPython environment. In turn JPype is used to establish a functional language binding between the Python front end and Java back end.

Java was chosen as the back end language in order to leverage existing web service technologies written in Java and utilize other Java utilities. Ultimately, our goal was to provide multiple interfaces to the underlying GridShell task management framework, including the traditional terminal interface as well as a web interface, MATLAB interface, Ruby interface, etc. For the web framework we decided to use a deployable Apache Axis2 web server with Rampart security.


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