Professional Skills

Programming Languages:

68HC12 Assembly, C, C++, CSS, HTML, Java, Javascript, LabVIEW, Lisp, MATLAB, Motorola 6800 Assembly, Perl, PHP, Prolog, Python, Ruby, Sax Basic, Scheme, SQL, TCL, Visual Basic, XML

Programming Frameworks, Protocols, and Technologies:

AJAX, Apache Active MQ, Apache Axis2, Apache HTTP Server, Apache Rampart, Apache Struts, Apache Tomcat, CAN, DB2, Globus Toolkit, iPython, J2EE, Java CoG, Java RMI, JAX-WS, JCSP, JMS, JPype, jQuery, JSON, JSP, MEX-files, MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox, MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox, MATLAB Statistics Toolbox, Mule ESB, mySQL, OpenGL, Pixar RenderMan, Player/Stage, Ruby on Rails, SNMP (ASN.1), TI SimpliciTI

Operating Systems:

Linux (Fedora, Ubuntu), Mac OS X, MS DOS, MS Windows 95-XP, Sun Solaris, Unix, VxWorks

Development Environments and Tools:

AQT, CCS, ClearCase, CodeWright, CVS, Cygwin, Eclipse, GNU Dev. Tools (gcc, g++, gdb, make), GNU Emacs, GNU RCS, IAR, JUnit, NetBeans, Putty, PVCS, RADRails, SVN, Telnet, Tornado, Vim, WASADIE, Websphere Application/Portal Server, Xcode


NI DAQ (analog, digital, counter/timer), NI MC, TI CC1111 USB Dongle, TI CC430 MCU, TI MSP430 MCU

Professional Software:

Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Flash, Adobe Photoshop, Altera Max+Plus II, LaTeX, LTSA, MS Office (Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, Word), OmniGraffle, PSPICE, Rational Rose, Rhapsody, VMware, Wireshark, Weka, ZTC


Computer Science:
Artificial Intelligence (informed/uninformed searches, constraint satisfaction), Automata, Computational Complexity, Context-Free Grammars, Cryptography, First-Order Logic, Genetic Algorithms, Linear Regression, Neural Networks (convolutional, MLP, NEAT, RBF), OS Design, Pattern Recognition, Process Scheduling, Propositional Logic, Ray Tracing, Regular Languages, Robot Path Planning

Computer Engineering:
Cache Control, Computer Organization, Control Feedback Loops, CPU Performance Analysis, Logic Gates, Microprogramming, Pipelining, Real-Time Scheduling

Information Technology:
Database Normalization, Entity-Relationship Modeling, OS Scripting

Software Engineering Design:
Aspect-Oriented Design, Component-Based Design, Concurrent Systems, Distributed Systems, Embedded Systems, Finite State Process Algebra, Formal Methods (Z), Gang of Four Software Design Patterns, Object Constraint Language, Object-Oriented Design, State Machines

Software Engineering Process:
Quality Engineering and Metrics, Requirements Elicitation and Specification, Risk and Time Management, Scrum, Software Lifecycle, Verification and Validation

Unified Modeling Language:
Domain Analysis and Modeling, Requirements Modeling, State Charts, Static and Dynamic Modeling, Use Cases

Correlation Analysis, Device File Descriptors, Gaussian Mixture Models, Kalman Filter, Particle Filters, Principle Component Analysis, POSIX Signal Handling, POSIX Threads, Public/Private Keys, TCP/IP Sockets, Xerography