During my first year as a computer science grad I took a course in advanced computer vision. The class was divided into teams and each team could choose one of two projects to work on. The first project involved identifying students as they walked into a classroom based on their facial features. The second project involved tracking students as they walked into the classroom in-between other students. My team decided to work on the second project because my partner and I were both interested in motion tracking at the time.
We developed 3 systems with various degrees of motion-tracking success:
- Kalman filter. Actually the particle filter developed by Cuevas, Zaldivar, and Rojas which is based on the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). Some success.
- Kalman filter with spring forces. Attempt to use multiple particle systems linked by spring forces to track multiple parts of a subject's body. Limited success.
- Hierarchical particle filter. Based on the work of Viola and Jones and the work of Yang, et al. Uses rectangular windows for feature extraction. Quite different from the Kalman filter and the 2 systems described above. Most successful.
A lot of time was spent adjusting the particle set properties used by the first 2 systems for each student test video. The third system is more robust and doesn't require as much custom-tailoring to the video to which it is applied.
The particle filter presented by Cuevas, Zaldivar, and Rojas attempts to track a small color distribution within a circular window centered around a target pixel.
Alternatively, the approach presented by Viola and Jones employs a rectangular target window to determine the relative position of average color intensities within an area of the video.
Viola and Jones had great success detecting faces using the target window to capture the average color intensity around a person’s eyes and the average color intensity of that person’s upper cheeks. It's a very simple concept but it works well in practice because of the intensity difference between those two regions of a person's face. In general a person's upper cheeks are much brighter than the inset region around their eyes.